Jeff and Ginger get married (from "All Good Things")

(Ginger, dressed in her wedding gown and with Father Dreher in tow, is running down a sidewalk, hoping desperately that she is not too late to catch her fiance, Jeff, before he boards the train)

Father Dreher: I am not convinced this is the best course of action. This is your fourth engagement...

Ginger (panting from the running): But, two of those were to the same man, Father. We've taken all are pre-cana classes, we've published the bans... The only thing stopping us now is Jeff being sent to the minors. Now I know during the war, you married lots of couples when the groom was being sent overseas--well, Jeff is being sent to Wichita!

(Ginger and Father Dreher turn the corner, then Ginger realizes they just passed Jeff and pulls Father Dreher back with her)

Ginger: Jeff!

(Jeff is tying his shoelaces, then looks up when he hears her and is stunned to see her)

Ginger: I've made plenty of mistakes and I'll make plenty more, but I pride myself on never making the same mistake twice. Father Dreher has agreed to marry us before we go, and I've got six whole days before my next show, and that means six whole days together. As a married couple.

(Jeff is speechless for a second, then turns and shakes Father Dreher's hand vigorously)

Jeff: Father... Thank you!! B-but, the train leaves in five minutes--four minutes!

Father Dreher: Young man, young lady, I am fully aware that the world is changing faster in my lifetime than in whole generations past, but I am bending the rules as far as I can in good conscience bend them, and I will not proceed until we find a place more suitable to the solemnity of the occasion. And of course, have the required witnesses.

(Jeff and Ginger are listening intently, but want to hurry him up as soon as possible...)

(Cut to... Jeff, Ginger, and Father Dreher on the train)

Father Dreher: If anyone can show just cause why this man and this woman should not be joined together in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace...

Usher: Three minutes, Padre!

Father Dreher: Jeffrey, willt thou take Virginia, here present, for thy wedded wife according to the rites of our holy mother the church?

Jeff: I will.

Father Dreher: Virginia, willt thou take Jeffrey, here present, for thy wedded husband according to the rites of our holy mother the church?

Ginger (eagerly): I will.

Father Dreher (to Jeff): Take her hand...

(Jeff takes Ginger's hand)

Usher: Two minutes!!

Father Dreher (frustrated): Say this together... I Jeffrey, Virginia, take thee, Virginia, Jeffrey...

(Jeff and Ginger try to follow along with his vows and recite them together...)

Jeff and Ginger: ... And thereto I plythe thee my troth... (Jeff and Ginger smile at each other, realizing they're finally married!!)

Usher: You have to get off the train now, Padre, they're pulling out of the station!

(The train whistles and Father Dreher walks past Jeff and Ginger, who look at each other in amazement, and Father Dreher gives them the final blessing in Latin)

Jeff and Ginger: Thank you Father... (they can't take their eyes off each other, as they lean in for their first kiss as husband and wife...)

Ginger (after they finally part): Let's go to your roomette...

Jeff: I don't have a roomette...

Ginger: W-what about uh...

Jeff: I don't have a berth either... They don't pay for that in the minors.

Ginger: Well let's get one...

Usher (trying to get Ginger's attention): Let me take you to the conductor so you can get tickets, ma'am.

Ginger: Uh, tell him we would like a roomette, please...

Usher: Oh I'm sorry folks, no roomettes or berths available, but when you change trains at Chicago, maybe you'll have better luck. We'll be in Chicago in a little more than eight hours...

(Jeff and Ginger look at each other in shock--they've waited all this time, now they have to wait another eight hours to be alone??)

Ginger (can't believe it): Eight hours...

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