Jeff and Ginger long distance (from "Sinners Reconciled")

Phone conversation 1:

(The Metcalfs are decorating the Christmas tree and are arguing over the decorations. Jeff has answered the phone and realizes Ginger is on the other line, but can't hear her...)

Jeff (trying to get everyone's attention): Hey--Hey!!

(Everyone looks up at him)

Jeff (smiles like a little kid who's excited): Ginger says Merry Christmas!

(The Metcalfs yell Merry Christmas over the phone; Ginger smiles)

Jeff: You hear that?

Linda: Let me talk to her...

(Jeff goes to the kitchen, but Linda follows him)

Linda: Let me talk to her!

Jeff: In a minute! (closes the door for privacy and slides down the wall to sit on the floor) Are you coming home for Christmas?

Ginger: No...

Jeff (obviously disappointed): So why are you calling?

Ginger (a little hurt): To hear a friendly voice?

Jeff (feels guilty): So how's it going in Hollywood?

Ginger: I'm not a star yet, if that's what you mean... But I found an agent!

Jeff: So does that mean you have a job?

Ginger: Well it means I have someone who can send me on auditions for jobs... And he says it was a fluke that I lost the screen test because I was too short, because most leading men in Hollywood are short, and Hollywood really needs short actresses!

Jeff: That sounds like a screwy business to me.

Ginger: Said the man who wants to make his living hitting a ball with a stick!

Jeff (realizing she got him on that one): So have you gone on any auditions?

Ginger: Well first I had to get my pictures taken, and then I needed voice lessons because I slur a little... Listen to this: (enunciating carefully) shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't, didn't, instead of (slurring again) shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't, didn't...

Jeff (imitating her): Shouldn't your agent have gotten you an audition by now?

Ginger: I have my first audition tomorrow, so there, Mr. Skeptic.

Jeff: Well, good luck, I guess...

Ginger: Oooh, never say good luck to an actress--it's bad luck!

Jeff: What am I supposed to say?

Ginger: Break a leg.

Jeff: That's screwy too!

Ginger: Well I guess everything I say or do is screwy!

Jeff (feeling guilty): Oh, hey-

(Jeff gets interrupted by the operator who tells him their three minutes are up)

Phone conversation 2:

Ginger (to the hotel clerk who told her she had a call): Who is it?

Hotel clerk: Do I look like a secretary to you?

Ginger: But um, man? Woman?

Hotel clerk: It better be a man... I'd hate to meet a woman with a voice like that!

Ginger: Deep voice--director?

Hotel clerk: Why don't you ask him, cookie?

Ginger (takes a deep breath, then speaks in her sophisticated voice): This is Ginger Szabo...

Jeff: It's about time! Half my three minutes are used up!

Ginger: Oh, it's you...

Jeff: You wouldn't have come to the phone if you'd've known it was me?

Ginger: Look, sourpuss, if all we're going to do is fight, why call?

Jeff: I don't want to fight.

Ginger: Me neither.

Jeff: How did your audition go?

Ginger: Oh, aces! I'm meeting the director tonight to discuss the lead in the picture!

Jeff: Meeting him on Christmas Eve?

Ginger: For drinks, which is how they do it in Hollywood, and quit being so suspicious and wish me luck...

Jeff: I thought you said it was bad luck to wish an actress good luck.

Ginger: On an audition it's bad luck, on an interview, it's ok.

Jeff: I don't know if I should wish you luck--meeting a guy for drinks...

Ginger: It's on the up and up! Aren't you going to ask me about the part?

Jeff: What is the part?

Ginger: A hard bitten widow, raising two kids, inherits her husband's newspaper and gets threatened by the mob for printing the truth.

Jeff: That's a part that'll fit you like a glove...

Ginger: Very funny.

Jeff: How old is the widow?

Ginger: 38. But the director said it's all in the make-up. The actor playing the mobster is only 26.

Jeff (hesitant): Good-looking?

Ginger (doesn't want to worry him, tries to be dismissive): In a way, not really...

Jeff: How tall is he?

Ginger: It doesn't matter because I bought 4 inch heels. If they need me tall, I'm tall. Short, I'm short.

Jeff: How can you afford to spend so much money?

Ginger: One rule in life I've learned, kiddo, you've got to spend money to make money.

Jeff: You've got to make money to have money to spend money to make money...

Ginger: You know so much.

Jeff: It's Christmas Eve, we can't fight.

Ginger: Tell yourself.

Jeff: I miss you...

(operator interrupts before Ginger can say anything)

Phone conversation 3:

Jeff: What were you doing at the studio? I thought you were just having drinks...

Ginger: We were! At least he was...

Jeff: You were having drinks on a soundstage?

Ginger: No, in his office...

Jeff (shocked): His office?!

(Ginger flinches)

Jeff: Ginger! So why'd they throw you out of the studio?

Ginger: The stupid security guard said I kicked the director.

Jeff: Did you?

Ginger: Absolutely not! I got the lead in the picture, and we were rehearsing the scene-

Jeff: You got the lead?

Ginger: -he said I did, and we were rehearsing-

Jeff: Well, didn't you explain to the security guard that t was just a rehearsal?

Ginger: Of course I did! But, then, during the scene, the director put his hand on an inappropriate part of my body--it wasn't in the script, at least not in mine, and, only he claimed it was an accident, and I said, so much phoney baloney and I didn't believe him, and so I-

Jeff: You kicked him!

Ginger: No, I didn't! I put my knee where my father showed me to put it, and that is not a kick! Anyway, the guards didn't believe me... (notices Jeff has been quiet) You there?

Jeff (still in shock): Yeah...

Ginger: Anyway, I got another job offer...

Jeff: It's not more phoney baloney, is it?

Ginger: It's perfectly legitimate! Only thing is, I don't think I should be a pin-up at this stage in my career...

Jeff: A pin-up?

Ginger: Well, not a nude one, anyway...

Jeff: What--nude??!!

(the operator interrupts to tell him his three minutes are up. Jeff asks for three more minutes, but the operator tells him the phone lines are tied. Jeff hangs up in frustration...)

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